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Beatriz Cymberknopf, MA, MPA — Healing Hearts Healing Minds, Inc. founder

Beatriz Cymberknopf unites her lifelong work and research in the study of consciousness expansion, applied spirituality, and health promotion with her professional skills.  As a health care planner, Ms. Cymberknopf brings over 24 years of experience developing health promotion and disease prevention programs, serving as programs manager, educator, outreach facilitator, trainer and consultant.  As a holistic health practitioner, she specializes in facilitating and conducting Mindfulness/Meditation classes; workshops and retreats, both individually and in groups; Quantum Biofeedback; Psycho-Energetic Healing; Expressive Writing; and Reiki healing energy therapeutic sessions.  Ms. Cymberknopf is a member of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine.

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