From an early age, I found myself fascinated with the concept of Mind-Body-Spirit connection; and how all three aspects of the self are intimately interconnected with human health and wellness; directly and indirectly affecting our thoughts, speech, and actions. As a young adult, the critical healthcare needs of people to access and receive better and a more just delivery of care was painfully evident to me. Therefore, it came naturally to me to choose a professional career that aimed to improve health care delivery for diverse populations. However, throughout my career, it was obvious and unfortunate that our healthcare system did not take seriously the profound effect and role that the mind-body connection plays on healing and in wellness. It was as if the individual had no other role to play in his/her own health, except for taking whatever pill was prescribed at the time. I didn’t believe or submit to that incomplete, and, what I considered a very limited mind-set and philosophy.
During my tenure at a clinical research facility, a multitude of personal encounters inspired me to delve deeper into exploring natural methodologies and self-care techniques. These approaches incorporated and required the attention and active participation of the individual, empowering them to take ownership of their health and the restoration of their well-being. I was granted the resources to go to a meditation retreat where I took part in an intensive training of meditative and mindfulness techniques and other strategies to enter into expanded states of consciousness. We were taught how to maximize its use for healing purposes. I fell in love with this ideology using these mind-body techniques and methodologies. From that point onward, my career took on a distinctly new trajectory, and the rest, as they say, was history. I went from working in a clinical- research setting to becoming a holistic health care practitioner, interested in exploring natural, safe, and non-invasive therapies by which people can actively take part in the restoration of their own health and well-being. This became my mission and greater vision.
Years later, shockingly and unexpectedly, my son who was only 24 years of age, passed away tragically. This catastrophic and life altering event initiated and forced me into a journey I was not expecting or prepared to do. As a bereaved parent, a year into my grieving, I needed to prepare for his memorial service, feeling totally ill equipped to do so. With tears rolling down my face, I began to talk to myself, to G-D, and to my deceased son, not truly knowing what I was doing.
“Tell me; tell me, Josh, how in the world am I supposed to do this? I don’t know what to do, how to do it, or what to say. I don’t know if any words will come out of me.”
To my shock and utter surprise, I heard my son Josh reply. I heard his voice, right there in the room with me. Now I have really lost it, I thought.
“Is that you Josh, are you here?” I asked. “If it’s you, please, darling, tell me. Let me hear you loud and clear.”
I am here, I am here, take your pen and write this song, a song of truth, a song of old, a song written by the light, a song re-written many times, for those we leave behind.
It’s true that I am near. It’s true, Mom, do you hear that I am near, when you think of me, when you pray for me, when you talk with me, and when you cry for me.
Cry for a while, cry if you must, and then trust, that I am here, that I am safe, that I simply am, that I am closer to G-D than I have ever been, that I am closer to you, just, you can’t see., and when you think you’ve lost your mind, and you don’t know how you’ll survive, that’s when I come through your heart, to let you know that you will be alright. How so, you ask? How can I be all right? Because I know who you are. You know it too, but just forgot.
No more worries, for I am well, I am right here. I belong, next to you and next to G-D, next to loved ones by my side, what a sight, I kid you not. That was your dream, was it not?
I came to you, when you asked, to let you know, that I am fine, that I am free, that I am alive, that your prayers reached the heavens, and touched the heart of the Divine.
We flew and then we danced, your spirit soared along with mine. Keep on flying, keep your smile, keep on flying, as will I. And all the things you tried so hard, to instill in me – oh, how you tried — remain with me, they do not die. And all the love you gave to me, is still intact, locked in my heart. Keep on flying, keep our dance, keep it going through your nights, ‘cause I will be watching you, no doubt.
So, before you even call, rest assured, I hear your voice. No busy signals anymore, no interference, no lost calls. Just your thoughts, just your prayers, just your heart-waves vibrating through the heavens.
Have no doubts, and have no fear, that’s my prayer for you both, that’s my prayer for you all. And while it’s much easier said from here, I know, I understand, that’s what I most want you to hear.
G-D is with me and with you, and with all who call and whisper in His ear; G-D is with you and with me, remember? That’s what you always said to me. G-D is with you, have no fear, that’s my message, that’s my song, that’s G-D’s promise to us all.
I love you for evermore!!!!!!
The day of his memorial service represented the end of an old cycle and the beginning of a new one. Josh profoundly challenged me to make peace with his transition, to see the bigger picture, to find the gifts and the wholeness, right in the midst of my brokenness, or perhaps, I would find it precisely because of it. My challenge became clear then, I must be able to both grieve heartbreaking loss and yet keep my heart open to new beginnings, whatever they would be.
His messages, which I titled Joshua’s Song, beckoned me again and again to find a way to make this loss sacred. I knew then with every fiber of my being that it was only a matter of time before we would be working together, this time bridging the realms of reality.
Healing Hearts Healing Minds, Inc. was born on November 24, 2014. All services, therapeutic healing modalities and program offerings, insights, and revelations, are my offering to all who struggle with severe stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, and loss, whatever the circumstances. Most especially for all those who have been through the experience of losing a loved-one, particularly a child. My mission and life’s purpose is to advance and integrate a new healing paradigm, whereby, I can teach and empower people to tap into their own innate healing potentials that lie dormant within them.
May these offerings heal you from the inside out, as they have healed me and countless others.